Kushaal Singh

Austin, Texas · (512) 712-3160 · kushaalsingh1945@gmail.com

I am a Mechanical Engineering and Plan II Honors student at UT Austin. I like making things and thinking about things.


Longhorn Racing Electric


Developed both a rear-wheel drive car (2023-2024) and currently, an all-wheel drive car (2024-2025). Spent maybe too many hours on it in the process, but loved every minute.

August 2023 - Present



A far from comprehensive list of my CAD
I first started working on CAD in my first semester of highschool. Upon transitioning to my own computer during COVID, I picked up Fusion360 and Onshape in addition to the Solidworks I was already experienced with.

3d Printer

Heavily modified Anycubic Vyper
It is always a little broken and always in progress, but it is my child. It is a bedslinger with direct drive, bi-metal heatbreak, BL-touch for automatic leveling, klipper, and octoprint.
December 2021 - Present



Textbooks I've recently read for fun
The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening, 2nd Edition - Steven G. Laitz
Music theory textbook that is my first formal foray into the subject. It seems quite comprehensive and I feel like I have a completely new understanding of music. I've wanted to learn music theory for a while now, and this was a very dense, but very complete way to start.
May 2024 - June 2024
Linear Algebra Done Right - Sheldon Axler
Linear Algebra textbook I've heard good things about. It is known for not teaching the determinant, which forces a more nuanced exploration of linear algebra. I learned a lot and really enjoyed it.
January 2024 - March 2024
Fiction I've recently read for fun
Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
Arguably THE modernist novella, this is about a guy who turns into a bug and his family hates him. Understandably, there is a lot of alienation, existentialism, and absurdism. The translation I read was very similar to that of Camus' Stranger in how blunt and direct it was, lacking much prose. It is wacky, weird, and depressing, but I found it sweet, especially when the protagonist speaks of his sister.
July 2024
Liber Spectaculorum - Martial
Martial's account on the opening of the Coloseum from 80 CE. Read it in latin while in Rome, like I've always planned. Fun read, but very dense. Lots to unpack in terms of history and culture (written during hight of the flavians)
October 2023 - December 2024